3 Steps To Take if You’re Injured on Government Property

If you’ve been injured on government property due to a slip and fall on ice or broken concrete, you should contact a slip and fall lawyer. We assist our clients by obtaining compensation for their injuries in mediation meetings or in court. Here are the steps necessary to file an injury claim:

1. Speak to a Lawyer

A slip and fall lawyer will know how to proceed with your injury case as soon as you’ve been injured. Our firm has assisted our communities for over 30 years with state and government injury claims. We also work on contingency, meaning you don’t have to pay us anything until we win your case. 

During your free consultation, we will ask you about your experience. This involves recognizing which government agency can be held liable for your accident, such as the city, county, or state. We will also need to know when your injury occurred, as there are certain time constraints with submitting a claim, depending on your situation. After your consultation, we will gather sufficient evidence for your claim to succeed. 

2. Gather Evidence

Once you’ve spoken to us about your incident, we will require specific evidence from you to determine the eligibility of your case. This evidence will show proof of your injury and the consequences of your accident. This evidence includes:

Medical Treatment

Gathering receipts, doctor’s notes, and treatment instructions is necessary for your claim. Providing this information shows proof of your injury and how it has impacted you. This type of evidence helps you gather expert witnesses from your doctor or the hospital and is more difficult for the other party to argue against. Be sure to include instacare visits, emergency room care, and primary doctor assessments.   

Mental Health Toll

Some accidents and injuries may result in long-term mental health consequences, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety. PTSD occurs when a stressful, frightening, or distressing event happens to you. This can cause flashbacks and nightmares about your accident and injury. You may also avoid specific locations or situations to soothe your anxiety.

Loss of Wages

Some injuries, such as broken bones, fractures, or ligament tears, can take weeks or months to heal. This results in being unable to work or working fewer hours to accommodate your healing process. If your injury is more severe, like a head injury, you may not be able to work for an extended time. We take these issues into account so that you receive the appropriate compensation for your lost wages.

3. File Your Claim 

Once we have established your case, we will submit your claim. The next steps involve a voluntary mediation meeting, where we will work out a settlement on your behalf. If the state or municipality declines mediation, we will move forward with a court proceeding. Our experienced attorneys will stay in contact with you throughout this process, offering guidance and support. 

Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer

At Philly Slip and Fall Guys, we assist our clients in receiving the justice and compensation they deserve. By gathering all the needed evidence, we can help you make your claim for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.