Category: Slip & Trip
7 Trip and Fall Risks In a Shopping Center
Shopping centers provide various opportunities for visitors to trip and fall. If you are involved in an accident due to inadequate maintenance or neglect, schedule a meeting with a trip and fall lawyer from Philly Slip and Fall Guys. They will help determine if you are able to obtain compensation for your injury. Here are a few common trip and fall risks in shopping centers: 1. Wet Floors Wet floors result from spilled drinks, broken…
Common Trip and Fall Hazards at a Gym and How to Avoid Them
A trip and fall lawyer can assist you with filing a claim if you’ve been injured at the gym due to negligence. Negligence is when the owners of a property fail to act within a reasonable amount of time to address existing hazards. Loose floor mats, clutter, and spills can cause serious injuries, from abrasions to broken bones. Here are a few hazards to look out for at your local gym: Hazardous Surfaces One common…
3 Types of Trip and Fall Cases Against a City or State
If you were injured in a trip and fall incident on public property, the city you are living in may be liable for your accident. A trip and fall lawyer will walk you through the process of filing a claim against the city or state. Here are several types of trip and fall cases against a city or state: 1. City Sidewalks Pedestrians may trip on the sidewalk if it is uneven or cracked. Possible…
How Warning Signs Affect Trip and Fall Accident Claims
If you have been injured in an accident due to a property owner’s negligence, you may be able to seek compensation with the help of a trip and fall lawyer. When you hire Philly Slip and Fall Guys, we will investigate your injury case to determine the responsible party and whether you can file a negligence claim. Here is more information about the responsibilities of property owners and how their warning signs can affect your…
Senior Citizens and Trip and Fall Accidents
Trip and fall accidents experienced by senior citizens may result in physical injuries and outstanding medical bills. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a trip and fall, a lawyer can help you receive compensation for financial, physical, and emotional damages. Hiring a trip and fall lawyer from Philly Slip and Fall Guys enables you to focus on your well-being after an accident by negotiating with defendants, insurance companies, and courts…
Trip and Fall Accidents in Parking Lots
Trip and fall accidents in parking lots can present challenges in determining who is liable. Consulting with a trip and fall lawyer, like those at the Philly Slip and Fall Guys, can help clarify who is responsible. Some questions to ask following an accident include: Who Is at Fault? A parking lot’s owners might not always be liable for any incidents on their property. The locations serviced by the parking lot could be a factor…
What To Do if You Trip at a Private or Public Establishment
Tripping accidents can happen in various public or private establishments, including shopping malls, parking lots, and private businesses. They may cause serious injuries and lead to expensive medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Working with a trip and fall lawyer allows you to seek maximum compensation for your damages following your accident. Here are several steps to follow if you trip and fall in a private or public establishment: Report the Incident …
Is There a Difference Between Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall?
Injuries caused by slips, trips, and falls can be life-altering for accident victims. An experienced trip and fall lawyer can help you or a loved one receive compensation if the negligence of a third party caused the accident. The difference between trip and slip incidents depends on the environment and conditions where the accident took place. Here is more information about these types of accidents and how a lawyer helps victims: Slip and Fall Accidents…
A Magic Show Turns Dangerous
On November 12, 2013, a British tourist in Las Vegas got the chance of a lifetime to be a part of an illusion by world famous magician David Copperfield. The trick is the iconic final illusion of Copperfield’s long-running Las Vegas show where random audience members disappear from the stage and wind up at the back of the auditorium. On this particular evening something went wrong, and now the slip and fall injury that occurred…
How Are Steps And Staircases Trip And Fall Hazards?
Steps and staircases are trip and fall hazards for numerous reasons. It’s easy to trip or fall on a set of stairs if the staircase is in dire need of repair or if there’s something on the stairs, obstructing the pathway down. Every year, thousands of people trip or fall down stairs and the cause of the trip or fall could vary. It could be a simple accident due to the misjudgment or miscalculation of…
Dealing With Uneven And Broken Sidewalks After Winter
It is no secret that driveways and sidewalks get damaged during the snowy winter season. The spring season has just started, and many property owners have found their nearby sidewalks shifted and cracked, and driveways laced with potholes. It is very common for people to fall on uneven or broken sidewalks, or to step into a sidewalk pothole they did not think was there. Harsh weather conditions sometimes make ones footing slightly higher than the other…
Poorly Positioned Mats Cause Falls
Slip and fall injuries are very common and can lead to very bad personal injuries. Something as minor as a mat in public areas can result in severe injuries. Proper positioning of mats in public places prevents you from the hassle and outlay of injuries sustained after tripping and falling because of a poorly positioned mat. Floor mats are one of the primary ways to avoid slip and fall accidents. Placing doormats at the entry…
William H Macy and Felicity Huffman Sued For Slip and Fall Accident
William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman, Hollywood’s renowned couple, were slapped with a slip and fall lawsuit after a woman slipped and fell off from the staircase of their house. According to a TMZ report, the woman who had been visiting the celebrity couple in their home filed the lawsuit after falling off the couple’s staircase and sustaining injuries. Why They Got Sued Lourdes Orozco sued the famous couple for the serious personal injuries she allegedly…
Celebrities Who’ve Been Victims Of Slip and Falls
Slip and falls are especially worrying because they can happen to anyone anywhere. The weather doesn’t have to be icy or snowy to cause a fall. It is certain that most of us will suffer slip or fall at some point in our lives even the celebrities are not exceptional. In most cases, when a celebrity is a victim of slip and fall, people find it shocking and amusing to say the least, even the die-hard…
Choosing Slip Resistant Shoes: Design (Pt 2)
Slip resistant shoes are something that many employers require and their employees wear. We talked previously, about the different environments slip resistant shoes are necessary here. In this blog we will talk about the correct slip resistant shoe design. A slip resistant shoe becomes a necessity when conditions may change quickly or may differ from place to place. Floors that are often wet or oily present distinct challenges that can make a work place dangerous….
Guide To Choosing The Right Slip Resistant Shoes (Pt 1)
Under normal circumstances, finding a floor that is 100 percent fall-proof is very rare, but you don’t want to risk slipping or falling for this reason – falls can be fatal or lead to a permanent injury. It is the responsibility of the owner of the property to have their floors made to grip a shoe and safeguard a walker. Moreover, it is also in their interest to make those floors attractive and beautiful which…
With Winter Time Comes Black Ice
Wintertime can be a fun time of year. The weather is cold and snowy, making enjoyable activities like skiing and sitting in front of a toasty fire while enjoying a hot cup of cocoa a possibility. Unfortunately, wintertime can bring its fair share of danger, as well. There is a greater likelihood of your becoming involved in a car accident due to snowy and icy roads. According to research, approximately 116,000 Americans are injured on the…
Look Out For Slip Hazards In Icy Weather
Anyone who has listened to the song “Winter Wonderland” knows that this tune paints a beautiful landscape of glistening snow where friends and loved ones can play and enjoy winter festivities. And while this is true, it doesn’t address the many hazards that winter weather brings with it, or the slip and fall accidents that can happen as a result. High Risk Hazards Snow is undeniably gorgeous – but there is a reason that it’s called…
Winter Slip and Fall Safety Tips
It’s the holiday season and winter has officially showed it’s not so pretty face, especially in the East. Weather you are from New York or California, being threatened with a blizzard or something as simple as extreme cold. Since this could be just a little glimpse of what’s to come, we need to stay constantly aware of safety issues that can quickly arise. This time of year everyone will be out shopping and looking for…
Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Trips And Falls
Paying attention to your surroundings as you go about your everyday business is probably the best way to avoid tripping and falling. Yes, we all have those busy days on the go where it seems like there is not enough time in the day to get things done, but safety should always come first for the sake of yourself and others. Technology Can Be Trippy Technology is a great thing. We have the ability to…
Checklist For Recognizing Slip /Trip & Fall Hazards
According to the National Safety Council, falls and the subsequent injuries are the second-leading cause of unintentional death in homes and communities, resulting in more than 25,000 fatalities in 2009, read the report here. Risks from falling increase with age and extra concessions should be made for elderly occupants of homes in order to prevent injury and death. Take the time to remove slip, trip and fall hazards to keep your family safe. Prevention Of…
Do I Have A Good Trip And Fall Case?
It’s common knowledge that trip and fall cases, also known as premises liability, frequently require a battle and a good fight. And to win that battle, you’re going to want a competent experienced slip and fall attorney on your side to fight the good fight on your behalf. But if I have a legitimate injury due to the negligence of a property owner, why is this going to be so tough? Nothing is cut and…
Parking Lot Trip And Fall
According to the National Floor Safety Institute, about 1 million people make a trip to the emergency room annually due to slip, trip and fall accidents. These falls can occur around the injured person’s own home, on a public sidewalk, in a store, in a restaurant, in a municipal building, in parking lots and more. In addition, almost 80% of slip and trip accidents that occur annually occur in parking lots and on sidewalks due…
Tripping On A Broken Sidewalk
If you were injured after tripping on a broken sidewalk you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries that you incurred from the fall. You need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney right away to find out if you have a case. The first step for the attorney is to determine who is liable. Determining liability can be tough in slip and trip cases, which is why when you need an attorney to…
Potholes Trip And Fall
Potholes can sometimes pop up out of nowhere but they really seem to pop up following periods where there has been a lot of rainfall and following winter as snow and ice begin to melt. They are also prevalent following extreme fluctuating changes in temperature. Extreme heat and extreme cold can also lead to potholes. Potholes can be deadly for motorists and pedestrians. They also have the ability to damage a vehicle’s tires and alignment….