What Is The Correct Floor Maintenance Protocol?

Two million; this is the number of floor falls injuries reported per year. This represents 25% of all fall injuries reported to emergency rooms in a year. These statistics are according to the national floor safety institute, and they show a glimpse of just how correct floor maintenance is important in the 21st century. Slip-trip-and-fall accidents are mainly caused by the following factors:

  • Wet floors and poorly cleaned floors
  • Floor contamination with dry residue such as sand
  • Loose floor boards and missing floor tiles


Floor Maintenance Reduces Accidents

Floor accidents have adverse effects on American families, for example, they can cause accidental death to the family breadwinner. Victims are also forced to stay away from their income earning occupations for lengthy periods. However, there are various correct floor maintenance protocols available today that can reduce the frequency of these accidents. These protocols include the following below.

Floor Auditing

Floor auditing has emerged as a reliable floor maintenance practice in various premises. According to Occupational Health And Safety Online floor auditing save a company millions of dollars if done correctly. Floor auditing involves testing the coefficient of friction (CoF) using a tribometer. Measurements from the tribometer are expressed numerically ranging from zero to one with the higher the number representing a higher CoF. Flooring manufacturers have CoF specifications incorporated in their designs. The data provided offer a benchmark for latter measurements from an audit. If the audit’s CoF values differ largely from the manufacturer, it could be due to poor cleaning or floor aging. Aged and poorly cleaned floors increase the probabilities of slip-trip-and-fall accidents.

Selecting Surface Cleaners

It is normal to want to save on surface cleaners by obtaining all-purpose surface cleaners. However, all-purpose cleaners can lead to an increase in floor related accidents. With that in mind, it is advisable to choose floor cleaning detergents and chemicals specially formulated for the floor. This will be instrumental in preventing damage to the floor or a buildup of residue. If your premise has more than one type of floor, it is always important to have different cleaning products for the different floors. Correct floor maintenance demands that these cleaning chemicals are used as directed; using too much or too little can reduce floor quality and increase the probability of floor accidents.

Use Of Clean Tools For Floor Maintenance

This is the simplest yet most ignored floor maintenance practice. To start with you need clean water to clean a floor as dirty water is sure to leave patches on the floor that reduces its quality. Also, get a clean rug, broom and bucket for your floor. Clean tools are important in maintaining floor quality and durability. Good quality floors are less likely to cause accidents to users.

Work With A Cleaning Timetable

Ever walked into a premise when cleaning is ongoing? If yes you should have noticed how risky wet floors can be and
how easily dirt particles are carried around. Cleaning and maintenance management advises that floors should be cleaned when there is minimal traffic for example during the morning hours or in the evening. This reduces the chance of an accident occurring as a result of wet floors.

Plan For The Tough Weather

All floors have a rough time during tough weather conditions. Tentatively speaking, many floors diminish in quality during bad weather. This underlines the importance of carefully maintaining your floor during such weather to reduce accidents from happening. Rain, snow flakes and leaves can make your floor slippery. During such conditions always make sure your floor remains as dry as possible. Also prepare for emergencies; for example always have a first aid kit on standby in case of a slip. At the entrance place a door mat for people to dry their footwear as they walk in. This will keep your floor dry and safer.

The floor is an important part of any premise. Safety is a key element to any floor; well-maintained floors paint a picture of safety to users as opposed to poorly maintained ones. The above correct floor maintenance guidelines can be your foundation for a safer floor.