Fall safety tips to prevent slips and trips

The colorful leaves, pumpkin-spiced fragrances, and caramel apples are some of autumn’s most appreciated features. What is not appreciated, however, is the heightened chance of falling. The OHSA cites 15% slip, trip and falls result in accidental deaths. Read the report on walking surfaces here.  Thousands of people are injured from slipping on floors, stairs even piled up slippery leaves. The fall weather has the potential to cause many more slips and falls than the previous season. It is imperative to follow these fall safety tips to prevent slips and trips during this colorful time.

Fall Preventive Tips

1. Avoid Leaf Piles

One way to avoid a fall during fall is to avoid leaf piles. You never know what will be hidden beneath them. All you have to do is take one step into the pile, and you could be slipping on an object you didn’t even know was there. If you see a pile of leaves, simply walk around it, even if it takes you longer to do so.

2. Take the Elevator

Rain is plentiful during the fall season, leaving puddles of water everywhere. This means shoes and boots worn by yourself and others will be wetter than usual. Stairs and escalators inside shopping malls, stores, and other public buildings will be extremely slippery. To avoid a fall, avoid taking the escalator and stairs altogether. Instead, take the elevator if you must go up or down a level. If you absolutely have to use the stairs, always be sure to hold the hand rails so you have something to keep yo steady.

3. Wear Tennis Shoes

In the beginning of fall, the weather is often still warm. This means sandals and flip-flops may still be worn by some. These are not ideal footwear choices for the fall weather when puddles and wet leaves may be on the ground. Wearing tennis shoes, or shoes with non-slip soles, are the better option. They will give your feet some traction so you have less of a chance of falling. See here for a sensible footwear guide.

4. Walk in the Grass

Many sidewalks are uneven, which is a main cause for tripping. To evade this potential disaster, walk in the grass instead. Even if you were to fall in the grass, you would experience a much softer landing than that of a concrete sidewalk. Once the pavement looks even again, you can return to the sidewalk if you choose.

5. Wipe Your Feet After Entering a Store

At home, many people have rugs that they wipe their feet on before coming inside. This is to remove any dirt or wetness from the shoes. At many stores, this option is also available. Carpet runners are typically set up in front of the entrance doors inside the store. If you see one of these, always be sure to wipe your shoes well before continuing. This will get your shoes clean and dry so you have less chance of falling during your shopping trip.

6. Check Curb Height

Before stepping onto a curb, be sure to check its height. You wouldn’t want to take your step thinking the curb is taller or shorter than it actually is. It is important to pay close attention to this, as well as other things in your surroundings.

A Bit Of Exercise

Get Regular Exercise

One of the most important things you can do to avoid falls is to get regular exercise. While obstacles may play a large part in why people fall, the simple fact that they are not physically fit is another. With regular exercise, you will gain the coordination and strength you need to better help yourself prevent falls in the future.

Autumn is a beautiful season that people want to enjoy. With a constant fear of falling, it will not be as enjoyable as one would hope. Remove the worry and savor the season by following these fall safety tips. They will prevent you from falling and ensure you experience a wonderful fall, without any falls.