How Warning Signs Affect Trip and Fall Accident Claims

If you have been injured in an accident due to a property owner’s negligence, you may be able to seek compensation with the help of a trip and fall lawyer. When you hire Philly Slip and Fall Guys, we will investigate your injury case to determine the responsible party and whether you can file a negligence claim. Here is more information about the responsibilities of property owners and how their warning signs can affect your injury case:

Premises Liability

Public and private property owners have a duty to protect the safety of their visitors. Premises liability laws explain this duty as the responsibility to maintain safe indoor and outdoor spaces. If there is damage to the property or other dangerous conditions, the owner must address the issue as soon as possible. They must also post warning signage to prevent visitor injury. Property visitors include customers and employees in commercial buildings and friends or family in private residences. 

Warning Signs and Accident Claims

If you or a loved one has been injured because of dangerous property conditions, our lawyers will assess the conditions leading up to the accident. If there were no warning signs present at the accident site, you can file for compensation from the owner’s insurance company. This process involves documenting the injuries and financial burdens caused by the accident. Evidence of your physical, economic, and emotional damages helps your trip and fall lawyer build a strong case. 

Dangerous property conditions marked with warning signage can still cause accidents and injuries. If there is proof that the safety hazard has been unattended for an extended period of time, you may be able to seek compensation. Signage that is damaged, poorly placed, and difficult to understand also creates opportunities for accident victims to file injury claims. Property owners must place large warning signs in visible locations. The signs’ language must also clearly state what and where the hazard is. Proper warning signs may prevent accident victims from holding the property owner liable for their injuries. Philly Slip and Fall Guys will help you assess the property’s signage to determine your right to compensation. 

Warning Sign Effectiveness

If signs are obstructed by building structures, foliage, or other other items, they do not provide sufficient warning of dangerous conditions. Property visitors must be able to see and read the sign from a distance to help them avoid potential hazards. The font size and type must be large and clear, and the wording must be straightforward. Signage must be written in a language that the majority of visitors will be able to read and understand. If the warning sign alerts visitors to a false hazard or doesn’t address the present danger, it is not an effective sign. Accident victims can sue property owners if the signage does not include warnings for all hazards. Our team will visit the accident site and view photographs to determine how effective the warning signage was before moving forward with a claim.

What To Do After an Accident

The first thing to do after you’re injured is to seek medical help. If you have significant injuries, call an ambulance to receive immediate care. Remember to take pictures of your injuries and the accident site. This will help your lawyer assess your case in the future. If anyone around you saw the accident happen, ask for their contact information. This will be useful if your lawyer needs more supporting evidence and witness statements for your claim. Calling the police at the scene will give you an official accident report. Your lawyer can access a copy of this report later. Accident reports serve as credible evidence that will be recognized by the legal system.

Once you’ve addressed your injuries, hire a reputable personal injury lawyer like those at Philly Slip and Fall Guys. As your legal representation, we will evaluate all the evidence from your case to determine how much compensation you qualify for. We handle all the negotiations with the liable party and their insurance company. This allows you to focus on healing from your accident. During these negotiations, our goal is to reach a settlement with the insurer that meets all your financial needs. If the property owner or insurance company refuses to settle, we will take your injury claim to court. We will present your case to the judge and argue on your behalf to reach a fair verdict.

Work With a Trip and Fall Lawyer

Philly Slip and Fall Guys has a team of lawyers who help accident victims receive compensation for various damages. These include loss of income and employment from accidents that caused minor injuries up to wrongful deaths. We represent individuals throughout Philadelphia County who have been injured on public or private property. Contact us today or visit our office to learn more about our services and how we can help with your injury claim.