Infamous Runway Falls
Fashion shows can be a lot of fun if you’re into that sort of thing. For some people, it’s not the modeling part that deserves the attention, but some claim the best part of a prestigious runway show is watching one of those self-assured models take a tumble. Some of these falls can be quick and flawless, to the point of not even thinking twice about it, but some of these falls have gone down in history as some of the most iconic moments in runway history.
Putting A Twist On The Catwalk
Jessica Stam, for example, took one of the greatest falls in history in 2006 during her show at Chloe. Jessica went all out in this embarrassing fall, to the point of smacking her head on the runway. Kudos to Jessica, however, for getting back up and finishing her run. Most of us would probably be humiliated to the point of never facing another fashion show again, but this trooper got back up and finished. Kudos, Jess.
Let’s also not forget the beautiful Elise Crombez’s fall on the runway at the Proenza Schouler in 2007. This little lady’s outrageous spike-heeled shoes threw this model down–hard. Despite the horrifying moment, Elise got back up and finished her show, no injury in sight. How’s that for professionalism?
Another fashion icon, Milana Bogolepova took a tragic fall at Dior in 2008. Flimsy sandals proved too dramatic for Milana, who ended up hitting the ground–not once–but twice! Most viewers assumed it was those silly stilettos, but rumors claim that Ms. Bogolepova–may have been just a little bit–if not a lot a bit–tipsy from the backstage booze!
Falls Are No Laughing Matters
Not all runway falls are a laughing matter though. In 2007 at a Vivienne Westwood show, the beautiful Kamila took a fall, the first one sending this lovely model to her knees. Onlookers were impressed when she got back up, but her bad luck wasn’t over. Barely a few steps later down the runway, Kamila fell again after her weak ankles gave out. This was so abrupt, actually, that Kamila almost broke them both. Unfortunately for this model, her runway career seemed to have ended that night. Although the loss of a great model career was tragic, her brittle leg bones are probably thanking her.
One of the most impressive runway falls involved the fabulous Lekeliene Stange, who took a tumble at a Marc Jacobs show in the Spring of 2007. Forced to flaunt her stuff down a slick runway, Ms. Stange forfeited trying to take on the catwalk in slippery shoes. In the middle of the show, Ms. Stange kicked off her sandals and finished the walk completely and totally barefoot. Don’t let this startle you, however, because the audience LOVED it. If there’s a way to handle a fall, Lekeliene Stange has turned it into an art form.